Ylia Hena
Apr 26, 2024


"Change of seasons": Created by the author, with Microsoft, Image Creator

“The season of Your Soul”

Spring whispers of the changes to come,
With a new life and new dreams, under the sun.

Summer’s heat cements our resolve,
And in the forge of change, we do evolve.

Autumn paints in hues of fire and gold,
All the lessons learned and stories told or untold.

Winter’s chill is a time to reflect,
On the changes of the past, and the ones will come next.

In every season, change gently guides
The soul to a journey, where love abides and stays.

Let’s learn from the seasons the wisdom of life,
To embrace all the changes,

and then, happily…we move on.

As always, a huge THANK YOU for taking the time to read my poem and offering your warm applause. 👏



Ylia Hena

I am fascinated by the art of expression in all of its forms, especially poetry and storytelling.